Member of Scientific Societies / Mitglied wissenschaftlicher Gesellschaften
ACR (Association for Consumer Research)
DGOR (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Operations Research) up to 1998
DMV (Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung)
Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft
EMAC (European Marketing Academy)
Forschungsgesellschaft "Geld-Banken-Bausparkassen-Versicherungen" an der Universität Karlsruhe e.V.
GfKl (Gesellschaft für Klassifikation)
GI (Gesellschaft für Informatik)
GMÖOR (Gesellschaft für Mathematik, Ökonomie und Operations Research) up to 1998
GOR (Gesellschaft für Operations Research) since 1998
GSP (Gesellschaft für Strategische Planung)
IFCS (International Federation of Classification Societies)
INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences)
TIMS (The Institute of Management Science)
Verband der Hochschullehrer für BWL
Offices / Ämter in Scientific Societies
Member of Council of IFCS (International Federation of Classification Societies), 1987 - 1990 and 1994 - 2001.
Member of Board of GfKl (Gesellschaft für Klassifikation), 1989 - 1995.
President of GfKl,1995 - 1998.
Member (Responsibility: Conferences) of the Board of GfKl, since 1998.
Member (Responsibility: Treasurer) of the Board of GMÖOR (Gesellschaft für Mathematik, Ökonomie und Operations Research), 1990 - 1995.
Member of Scientific Council of GMÖOR, 1996 - 1998.
Member of Scientific Council of GOR (Gesellschaft für Operations Research), since 1998.
Head of Program Committee of Conferences of DGOR (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Operations Research) in 1991 and GfKl in 1994, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002.
Local Organizer of the GfKl-Conference in Karlsruhe, 1985.
Offices / Ämter in Faculty and University Administration
Coordinator for Faculty Room Assigments, since 1984.
Chairperson of Commission of Faculty Structure, 1987 - 1994.
Vice-Dean of the Faculty, 1989 - 1990.
Member of Council of Faculty, since 2001.
Member of Further Commissions of the Faculty.
Consulting / Beratungstätigkeiten
Main fields of application: market research, international marketing, sales force management, segmentation & positioning, consumer behavior, applications in business administration and operations research, web intelligence.
Additional Scientific Activities / Weitere wissenschaftliche Aktivitäten
Member of programme committees, organizer of special sections of conferences, local organizer of meetings, invited speaker at international conferences, referee of papers in journals on operations research, applied mathematics, data analysis, statistics, computer science, and marketing as well as refereed proceedings volumes.