Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaul
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaul

Published Work up to about 2000 / Publikationen bis etwa 2000


Published Work / Pulikationen


Books / Bücher

"Marktforschung und Marketing-Management - Computerbasierte Ent­schei­­dungs­­un­ter­stützung", (Market Research & Marketing-Management), 2. Edi­tion, Oldenbourg, München, 1994 (with D. Baier).W. Gaul

"Marktforschung und Marketing-Management - Computerbasierte Entschei­dungs­un­ter­stützung", (Market Research & Marketing-Management), Oldenbourg, München, 1993 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Computergestütztes Marketing" (Computer-Assisted Marketing), Springer, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - Tokyo, 1990 (with M. Both).Wolfgang Gaul


Articles / Artikel

“Computergestützte Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation”, Zeitschrift für Evaluation Heft 1, 2004, 35-50 (with Ch. Bomhardt, N. Schmidt-Mänz).Wolfgang Gaul

"Product Line Optimizatin as a Two Stage Problem", In: Operations Research Proceedings 2004, Springer, 2005, 246-253 (with B. Stauß).

"Evaluationsdienste für mobile Lernumgebungen", In: Die Notebook-Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Universitätsverlag karlsruhe 2004, 106-117 (with C. Bomhardt, M. Frauke, A. Geyer-Schulz, A. These). 

“Mobile Gaming – Markt mit Zukunft?“, Tele Kommunikation Aktuell, 57. Jahrgang, Heft 09/10, 2003, 28 – 52 (with S. Weil).W

"Web Robot Detection - Preprocessing Web Logfiles for Robot Detection", In: New Developments in Classification and Data Analysis, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, 2005 (with C. Bomhardt, L. Schmidt-Thieme).

“Situative Analyse des Markteintrittsverhaltens neugegründeter Unternehmen“, In: The Entrepreneurship - Innovation - Marketing Interface, Proceedings of the 1st Symposium, Karlsruhe, 2003, Swiridoff, 2005, 445-464 (with V. Jung).Wolfgang Gaul

“Marketing Implementation by New Ventures: Considering Contextual Factors and Firm Performance”; UIC Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 13.-15.8.2003, Chicago; In: Hills, G. et al. (Eds.): Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface, The University of Illinois at Chicago, 2003, 215-223 (with V. Jung).Wolfgang Gaul

“Market Entry Behavior of New Ventures: A Contextual Approach“. In: Proceedings of the 48th ICSB World Conference on Advancing Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 15.-18.6.2003, Belfast (with V. Jung).Wolfgang Gaul

"Web Robot Detection - the Influence of Robots on Web Mining", In: Operations Research Proceedings 2003, Springer, 2004, 101-188 (with C. Bomhardt).

"Measurment of Online Visibility", In: Operations Research Proceedings 2003, Springer, 2004, 205-212 (with N. Schmidt-Mänz).

"Product Bundling as a Marketing Application", In: Operations Research Proceedings 2003, Springer 2004 (with B. Stauß).

„Das Internet aus Handwerkssicht: Online Kontakte werden immer wichtiger!“, Handwerk 21, 19. Jahrgang, 1, 2003, 24 – 26 (with N. Schmidt-Mänz).Wolfgang Gaul

“Recommender Systems Based on User Navigational Behavior in the Internet”, Behaviormetrika, 29, No. 1, 2002, 1 - 22 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

„Bericht zur Studie „Marketing als Erfolgsfaktor neugegründeter Unternehmen“, Diskussionspapier Nr. 244, Institut für Entscheidungstheorie und Unternehmensforschung, 2002 (with V. Jung).Wolfgang Gaul

"Market Orientation in New Ventures: Measurement and Relation to Entrepreneurial Orientation. In: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT) XVI, Conference Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 213-229, 20.-22.11.2002, Barcelona (with V. Jung).Wolfgang Gaul

„Handwerker brauchen Internet-Business“, Handwerk 21, 18. Jahrgang, 3, 2002, 12 – 15 (with N. Schmidt-Mänz).Wolfgang Gaul

"Benchmarks for Measuring Information Searching Behavior in Search Engines" (with N. Schmidt-Mänz).

“Mining Web Navigation Path Fragments”, in Nishisato, S., Baba, Y., Bozdogan, H., Kanefuji, K. (Eds.), Measurement and Multivariate Analysis, Springer, 2002, 249 – 260 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).W. Gaul

“eMarketing mittels Recommendersystemen”, Marketing ZFP, 24. Jg. 2002, 47 – 55 (with A. Geyer-Schulz, M. Hahsler, L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

“Aufzeichnung des Nutzerverhaltens – Erhebungstechniken und Datenformate”, Handbuch “Web-Mining im Marketing“, 2002, 34 – 52 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

“Web-Controlling und Recommendersysteme”, Handbuch “Web-Mining im Marketing”, 2002 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

“Mining Generalized Association Rules for Sequential and Path Data”, in Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, San Jose, CA, USA, 593–596 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).

“Recommender Systems Based on Navigation Path Features”, in Proceedings of the WEBKDD 2001 Workshop on Mining Web Log Data Across All Cus­tomer Touch Points, The Seventh ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, San Franscisco, CA, 2001, 23–34 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

“Frequent Substructures in Web Usage Data – a Unified Approach”, in Pro­ceed­ings of Web Mining Workshop, First SIAM International Conference on Data Mining 2001 (ICDM), Chicago (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

"Decision Tree Construction by Association Rules", in Decker, R., Gaul, W. (Eds.), Classifi­ca­tion and Information Processing at the Turn of the Millen­nium, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, 2000, 245–253 (with F. Säuberlich).Wolfgang Gaul

"Frequent Generalized Subsequences – A Problem From Web Mining", in Gaul, W., Opitz, O., Schader, M. (Eds.), Data Analysis: Scientific Modeling and Practical Application, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, 2000, 429–445 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

"Mining User Navigation Path Fragments" in Proceedings of Workshop on Web Mining for E-Commerce – Challenges and Opportunities, The Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Con­fer­ence on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Boston, MA, 2000, 105–110 (with L. Schmidt-Thieme).Wolfgang Gaul

"Methodeneinsatz zur Unterstützung erfolgreicher Produktinnovationen", Zeit­schrift für Unter­nehmensentwicklung und Industrial Engineering, FB/IE 49, 2000, 75–78 (mit M. Volkmann).W. Gaul

"Market Simulation Using a Probabilistic Ideal Vector Model for Conjoint Data" in: Gustafsson, A., Herrmann, A., Huber, F. (Eds.), Conjoint Measurement – Methods and Applications, Springer, 2000 (2nd edition 2001), 97–120 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

“Classification and Positioning of Data Mining Tools” in Gaul, W., Locarek-Junge, H. (Eds.), Classification in the Information Age, Studies in Classifi­ca­tion, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 1999, 145 – 154 (with F. Säuberlich).Wolfgang Gaul

“Zielgruppenbindung in der Automobilindustrie”, Zeitschrift für die Automobil­wirtschaft, 2/99, 60 – 65 (with M. Volkmann).Wolfgang Gaul

“Data Mining: A New Label for an Old Problem”, in Gaul, W., Schader, M. (Hrsg.), Mathema­tische Methoden der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Physica, 1999, 3 – 14 (with M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

"Optimal Product Positioning Based on Paired Comparison Data", Journal of Econometrics, 89, 1999, 365–392 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

“Zur Charakterisierung von Preisspielräumen”, Zeitschrift für betriebswirt­schaft­liche For­schung, Heft 11, 1999, 1056 – 1074 (with M. Löffler).Wolfgang Gaul

“A Classification Approach for Competitive Pricing”, in Gaul, W., Locarek-Junge, H. (Eds.), Classification in the Information Age, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 1999, 511 – 519 (with M. Löffler).Wolfgang Gaul

“Segment-Specific Aspects of Designing Online Services in the Internet”, in Balderjahn, I., Mathar, R., Schader, M. (Eds.), Classification, Data Analysis, and Data Highways, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 1998, 253 – 261 (with T. Klein, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

“Classification of Pricing Strategies in a Competitive Environment”, in Balderjahn, I., Mathar, R., Schader, M. (Eds.), Classification, Data Analysis, and Data Highways, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, 1998, 393 – 400 (with M. Löffler).Wolfgang Gaul

“Elektronische Marktplätze und Entscheidungsunterstützung” in Hippner, H., Meyer, M., Wilde, K.D. (Hrsg.), Computer Based Marketing – das Handbuch zur Marketinginformatik, Vieweg, 1998, 35 – 42 (with T. Klein).Wolfgang Gaul

“Data Mining: A New Label for an Old Problem?”, Proceedings of Workshop on “Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Business Applications”, Osaka, Japan, September 24-25, 1998.Wolfgang Gaul

"Two-Mode Overlapping Clustering With Applications to Simultaneous Benefit Segmentation and Market Structuring", in: Klar, R., Opitz, O. (Eds.), Classifi­cation and Knowledge Organi­za­tion, Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, 1997, 557–566 (with D. Baier, M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

„Advances in Cluster Analysis and Applications to Economics“, Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 51st Session, Istanbul, Turkey, 1997, Book 2, 381 – 384.Wolfgang Gaul

“Computergestützte Regaloptimierung im Einzelhandel”, der Markt, 1997/3+4, 185 – 196 (with R. Decker, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

“Multiperiod Price Optimization in Oligopolies Considering Reference Price Effects”, in Operations Research Proceedings, 1996, Springer, 1997, 353 – 358 (with M. Löffler).Wolfgang Gaul

„Elektronische Marktplätze als Marketing-Plattform im Internet – Integrierte Online-Präsenz steigert die Akzeptanz“, Office Management, 45, 4, 41-45 (mit T. Klein, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Verfahren der Testmarktsimulation in Deutschland: Eine vergleichende Ana­lyse", Marketing-ZFP, 1996 (with D. Baier, A. Apergis).Wolfgang Gaul

"A New Algorithm for Two-Mode Clustering", in Bock, H.H. Polasek, W. (Eds.): Data Analysis and Information Systems: Statistical and Conceptual Approaches, Springer, 1996 (with M. Schader).W. Gaul

"Analyzing Paired Comparisons Data Using Probabilistic Ideal Point and Probabilistic Vector Models", in Bock, H.H./Polasek, W. (Eds.): Data Analysis and Information Systems: Statistical and Conceptual Approaches, Springer, 1996 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Integrating an OR Model into a Knowledge-Based System for Marketing Data Analysis", in Bock, H.H./Polasek, W. (Eds.): Data Analysis and Information Systems: Statistical and Conceptual Approaches, Springer, 1996 (with F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Gewinnorientierte Produktliniengestaltung unter Berücksichtigung des Kun­den­nutzens", Zeit­schrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 65, Heft 8, 1995 (with E. Aust, D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Data, Expert Knowledge, and Decisions: An Introduction to the Volume", Annals of Operations Research, 55, 1995 (with F.J. Radermacher, M. Schader, and D. Solte).

"Positioning Analysis Using Knowledge Based Support", Annals of Opera­tions Research, 55, 1995 (with D. Baier, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Datenanalyseverfahren", In: Handwörterbuch des Marketing, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag, 1975.

"A Unifying Approach to Benefit Segmentation and Product Line Design Based on Rankorder Conjoint Data", in Gaul, W., D. Pfeifer (Eds.): From Data to Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, 1995 (with E. Aust).Wolfgang Gaul

"Classification and Representation Using Conjoint Data", in Gaul, W., D. Pfeifer (Eds.): From Data to Knowledge: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, 1995 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Pyramidal Classification Based on Incomplete Dissimilarity Data", Journal of Classification, 11, 1994, (with M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

"Computerunterstützung als Management-Hilfe beim Neuprodukt-Einführungs­prozess", Management & Computer, Jahrgang 2, Heft 2, 1994 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Comparing Proposals for the Solution of Data Analysis Problems in a Knowl­edge-Based System", Annals of Operations Research, Vol. 52, 1994 (with D. Baier, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Berücksichtigung von Kaufvergangenheiten bei der Markenwahl", Der Markt, Jahrgang 33, Heft 2, 1994 (with R. Decker, M. Röhle).Wolfgang Gaul

"Analyse von Panel- und POS-Scanner-Daten mit Neuronalen Netzen", Jahr­buch der Absatz- und Verbrauchsforschung, Jahrgang 40, Heft 3, 1994 (with R. Decker, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Neuronale Netze in der Kaufverhaltensforschung - Alternativ-Modell", Ab­satzwirtschaft, Jahrgang 37, Heft 7, 1994 (with R. Decker, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Pricing in International Marketing and Western European Economic Integra­tion", Manage­ment International Review, Vol. 34, No. 2, 1994 (with U. Lutz).Wolfgang Gaul

"Decision Making Concerning Product Line Design Based on Conjoint Analy­sis", in Bachem, A., U. Derigs, M. Jünger, R. Schrader (Eds.): Operations Research 1993, Physica, 1994 (with E. Aust).Wolfgang Gaul

"Ein computergestützter Einstieg ins Computer Aided Marketing", (Computer-Assisted Entry into Computer Aided Marketing), Information Management, Heft 4, 1993 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Wissensbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung im Verkauf", Wirtschaftwis­senschaft­liches Studium, Jahrgang 22, Heft 1, 1993 (with R. Decker, M. Pesch).Wolfgang Gaul

"Computerbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung im Marketing", (Computer-based Decision Support in Marketing), Karlsruher Transfer, Jahrgang 7, 1993 (with R. Decker, D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Paneuropäische Tendenzen in der Preispolitik - Eine empirische Studie", Der Markt, Jahr­gang 32, Heft 4, 1993 (with U. Lutz).Wolfgang Gaul

"Goodwill Towards Domestic Products - An Empirical Study within the Scope of Research on Country-of-Origin Effects", in Bock, H. H., W. Lenski, M. M. Richter (Eds.): Information Systems and Data Analysis, Studies in Classifica­tion, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Springer, 1993 (with E. Aust, U. Lutz).Wolfgang Gaul

"Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Informationstechnik", Wist Heft 1, Januar 1993, 37-43 (with R. Decker, M. Pesch).

"Product Positioning Based On Knowledge-Oriented Support: A Logical Framework", in Diewert, W., K. Spremann, F. Stehling (Eds.): Mathematical Modelling in Economics, Springer, 1993 (with D. Baier).

"A Knowledge-Based System Comparing Sequences of Data Analysis Techniques", in Karmann, A., M. Mosler, M. Schader, G. Uebe (Eds.): Opera­tions Research '92, Springer, 1993 (with D. Baier, F. Wartenberg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Remarks on the Adaption Process to Western Economy by Enterprises of FRG's New Federal States and Computer-Assisted Decision Support for Market Research and Marketing, 1992. 

"Interdisziplinarität und Integration als Anforderungen an ELECTRONIC MARKETING" (Inter­disciplinarity and Integration as a Challenge for ELEC­TRONIC MARKETING), in Hermanns, A./Flegel, V. (Eds.): Handbuch des Electronic Marketing, Beck, 1992 (with M. Both).Wolfgang Gaul

"Hinweise auf Innovationsvorgänge in Unternehmen der neuen Bundesländer am Beispiel EDV-Einsatz", in Gemünden, H. G., F. Pleschak (Eds.): Inno­vationsmanagement und Wett­bewerbsfähigkeit, Gabler, 1992 (with U. Lutz, G. Theuner).Wolfgang Gaul

"The MVL (Missing Values Linkage) Approach for Hierarchical Classification When Data are Incomplete", in Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization, Vol.II, 1992 (with M. Schader).

"Computer-Assisted Marketing Research and Marketing (Where are the Ex­pert Systems?)", in Extending the Boundaries of (Traditional) Pharmaceutical Market Research, 30. Annual EPhMRA Conference, Vienna, 1991.Wolfgang Gaul

"Knowledge-Based Systems in Marketing and Market Research: Demonstra­tions and Comparisons of Own Systems", Methods of Operations Research, 4, 1991, (with R. Decker).Wolfgang Gaul

"Pyramidal Clustering with Missing Values", in Diday, E./Lechevallier, Y. (Eds.): Symbolic-Numeric Data Analysis and Learning, Nova Science, 1991 (with M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

"An Approach to Marketing Data Analysis: The Forced Classification Proce­dure of Dual Scaling", Journal of Marketing Research, XXVII, 1990 (with S. Nishisato).Wolfgang Gaul

"Einige Bemerkungen über Expertensysteme für Marketing und Marktfor­schung" (Some Remarks about Expert Systems for Marketing and Market Research), Marketing ZFP Heft 4, IV. Quartal 1990 (with R. Decker).Wolfgang Gaul

"Computer-Assisted Market Research and Marketing Enriched by Capabilities of Knowledge-Based Systems", in New Ways in Marketing and Market Re­search, EMAC/ESOMAR Symposium, Athens, 1990 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"Knowledge-Oriented Support for Data Analysis Applications to Marketing", in Schader, M./Gaul, W. (Eds.): Knowledge, Data and Computer-Assisted Deci­sions, Springer, 1990 (with M. Both/M. Schader).

"Entscheidungsunterstützung bei der Auswertung von Primärforschungsdaten - Ein Konzept zur Verbindung von Wissensbasis, Datenbank und Methoden" (Decision Support Concerning the Analysis of Market Research Data - A Concept with Respect to the Interface of Knowl­edge Base, Data Base, and Methods), Operations Research Proceedings 1989, Springer, 1990 (with D. Baier).Wolfgang Gaul

"A Knowledge-Based System for Supporting Data Analysis Problems", Deci­sion Support Systems, 5, 1989 (with I. Böckenholt, M. Both).Wolfgang Gaul

"Wissensbasierte Entscheidungsunterstützung in Marktforschung und Marke­ting" (Knowl­edge-Based Decision Support in Market Research and Marke­ting), Proceedings-Band des 24. Kongresses der Deutschen Marktforschung, 1989.Wolfgang Gaul

"Classification and Selection of Consumer Purchase Behaviour Models", in Opitz, O. (Ed.): Conceptual and Numerical Analysis of Data, Springer, 1989 (with R. Decker).Wolfgang Gaul

"Marketing an der Universität Karlsruhe" (Marketing at the University of Karlsruhe), Karlsruher Transfer, 5, 1989 (with R. Decker).Wolfgang Gaul

"Generalized Latent Class Analysis: A New Methodology for Market Structure Analysis", in Opitz, O. (Ed.): Conceptual and Numerical Analysis of Data, Springer, 1989 (with I. Böckenholt).Wolfgang Gaul

"Data Analysis and Decision Support", Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 5, 1989 (with M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

"Datenanalyse und Entscheidungsunterstützung" (Data Analysis and Decision Support), Studien zur Klassifikation, 19, 1989 (with M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

"Probabilistic Choice Behavior Models and Their Combination with Additional Tools Needed for Applications to Marketing", in De Soete, G./Feger, H./Klauer, K.C. (Eds.): New Develop­ments in Psychological Choice Modeling, North Holland, 1989, revised version of a paper published in Communication & Cognition, 20, 1987.Wolfgang Gaul

"PC-Gestütztes Marketing-Management" (PC-Supported Marketing Manage­ment), ONLINE '89 Proceedings, Kongress VI, 12. Europäische Kongress­messe für Technische Kommuni­kation, Hamburg, 1989 (with D. Baier, I. Böckenholt).Wolfgang Gaul

"Marketing Data Analysis by Dual Scaling", International Journal of Research in Marketing, 5, 1988 (with S. Nishisato).Wolfgang Gaul

"Clusterwise Aggregation of Relations", Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 4, 1988 (with M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

"The Use of Data Analysis Techniques by German Market Research Agen­cies: A Causal Analysis", Journal of Business Research, 16, 1988 (with Ch. Homburg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Computer-Based Decision Support in Marketing", in Krause, B./Schreiner, A. (Eds.): HECTOR (HEterogeneous Computers TOgetheR), Volume I: New Ways in Education and Research, Springer, 1988 (with I. Böckenholt, M. Both, E. Espejo, Ch. Homburg, A. Schaer).Wolfgang Gaul

"Computerakzeptanz von Studenten: Ein Anwendungsbeispiel für Programme zur Kausal­ana­lyse" (Acceptance of Computers by Students: An Example of Applications of Causal Analysis Programs), Computer Applications University of Karlsruhe, 5, 1988 (with Ch. Homburg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Different Approaches to Covariance Structure Analysis: A Comparison", Operations Research Proceedings 1987, Springer, 1988 (with Ch. Homburg).Wolfgang Gaul

"Characterization of Research Papers by Data Analysis Techniques", in Gaul, W./Schader, M. (Eds.): Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions: An Interdisci­plinary Approach with Emphasis on Marketing Applications, Springer, 1988 (with M. Schader).Wolfgang Gaul

"PROLOG-Based Decision Support for Data Analysis in Marketing", in Gaul, W./Schader, M. (Eds.): Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions: An Interdisci­plinary Approach with Emphasis on Marketing Applications, Springer, 1988 (with I. Böckenholt, M. Both).Wolfgang Gaul

"A PROLOG-Based PC-Implementation for New Product Introduction", in Gaul, W./Schader, M. (Eds.): Data, Expert Knowledge and Decisions: An In­terdisciplinary Approach with Emphasis on Marketing Applications, Springer, 1988 (with A. Schaer).Wolfgang Gaul

"Probabilistic Multidimensional Scaling of Paired Comparisons Data", in Bock, H.H. (Ed.): Classification and Related Methods of Data Analysis, North Hol­land, 1988 (with I. Böckenholt).Wolfgang Gaul

"Probabilistic Choice Behavior Models and Their Combination with Additional Tools Needed for Applications to Marketing", Communication and Cognition, 20, 1987.Wolfgang Gaul

"Zum Einsatz von Datenanalysemethoden in der Marktforschung" (The Use of Data Analysis Techniques for Market Research), in Opitz, O./Rauhut, B. (Eds.): Ökonomie und Mathematik, Springer, 1987.

"Neue probabilistische Auswahlmodelle im Marketing" (New Probabilistic Choice Models in Marketing), Operations Research Proceedings 1986, Springer, 1987 (with I. Böckenholt).Wolfgang Gaul

"New Product Introduction Based on Pre-Test Market Data", in Micro and Macro Market Modelling: Research on Prices, Consumer Behaviour and Forecasting, EMAC/ESOMAR Symposium, Tutzing, 1987 (with I. Böckenholt).Wolfgang Gaul

"Ein Vergleich zweimodaler Clusteranalyseverfahren" (Comparison of Two Mode Clustering Algorithms), Methods of Operations Research, 57, 1987 (with M. Both).Wolfgang Gaul

"Typologisierung deutscher Marktforschungsinstitute: Ergebnisse einer em­pirischen Studie" (Characterization of German Market Research Institutes: Results of an Empirical Study), Marketing ZFP Heft 3, August 1986 (with F. Förster, K. Schiller).Wolfgang Gaul

"Analysis of Choice Behaviour via Probabilistic Ideal Point and Vector Models", Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, 2, 1986 (with I. Böckenholt).Wolfgang Gaul

"Two-Mode Hierarchical Clustering as an Instrument for Marketing Research", in Gaul, W./Schader, M. (Eds.): Classifications as a Tool of Research, North Holland, 1986 (with E. Espejo).Wolfgang Gaul

"Multistate Reliability Problems for GSP-Digraphs", Lecture Notes in Eco­nomics and Mathematical Systems, 240, 1985 (with J. Hartung).Wolfgang Gaul

"Reliability-Estimation in Stochastic Graphs with Time-Associated Arc-Set Reliability Performance Processes", Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 28, 1985.Wolfgang Gaul

"Zur mehrdimensionalen Analyse von Bildinformationen in Anzeigen für Imagery-Produkte" (Multidimensional Analysis of Print Ads Information for Imagery-Products), Vierteljahreshefte für Mediaplanung, Heft 4, 1985 (with I. Böckenholt).Wolfgang Gaul

"Empirische Ergebnisse zur Verbreitung und Nutzung von Statistik-Software in der Markt­forschung" (Empirical Results about Distribution and Usage of Statistics-Soft­ware in Market Research), Tagungsband der 3. Konferenz über die wissenschaft­liche Anwendung von Statistik-Software, Fischer, 1985 (with F. Förster, K. Schiller).Wolfgang Gaul

"Financial Planning via Stochastic Programming: A Stochastic Flows-with Gains Approach", Risk and Capital - Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 227, 1984.Wolfgang Gaul

"Optimal Routes in Compound Transportation Systems", in Hauptmann, H./Krelle W./Mosler K.C. (Eds.): Operations Research and Economic Theory, Springer, 1984.Wolfgang Gaul

"Datenanalyse auf der Basis von Ordinalurteilen" (Data Analysis on the Basis of Ordinally Scaled Judgements), Studien zur Klassifikation, 15, 1984.Wolfgang Gaul

"Analysis of Sales of Price Promoted Consumer Goods Using Scanner Data", in Meth­od­ol­ogical Advances in Marketing Research in Theory and Practice, EMAC/ESOMAR Sym­po­sium, Copenhagen, 1984 (with M. Both).Wolfgang Gaul

"A Multidimensional Analysis of Consumer Preference Judgements Related to Print Ads", in Methodological Advances in Marketing Research in Theory and Practice, EMAC/ESOMAR Sym­po­sium, Copenhagen, 1984 (with I. Böcken­holt).Wolfgang Gaul

"Bounding Distributions for Random Project Completion Times", in Beck­mann, M.J./Eichhorn, W./Krelle, W. (Eds.): Mathematische Systeme in der Ökonomie, Athenaeum, 1983.Wolfgang Gaul

"Marketing-Logistik bei stochastischer Nachfrage" (Marketing-Logistics with Stochastic Demand), Operations Research Proceedings 1982, Springer, 1983.Wolfgang Gaul

"Short Term Financial Planning under Uncertainty within a Graphtheoretical Framework", in Göppl H./Henn, R. (Eds.): Geld, Banken und Versicherungen, VVW Karlsruhe, 1982.Wolfgang Gaul

"On Reliability in Stochastic Graphs", Networks, 12, 1982 (with O. Frank).Wolfgang Gaul

"On Stochastic Analysis of Project Networks", in Dempster, M.A.H. et. al. (Eds.): Deterministic and Stochastic Scheduling, Reidel Publishing Co., 1982.Wolfgang Gaul

"Project Scheduling via Stochastic Programming", Mathematische Operati­ons­forschung und Statistik, Ser. Optimization, 13, 1982 (with H.J. Cleef).Wolfgang Gaul

"Stochastische Projektplanung und Marketingprobleme", (Stochastic Project Scheduling and Marketing Problems), Methods of Operations Research, 44, 1981.Wolfgang Gaul

"Bounds for the Expected Duration of a Stochastic Project Planning Model", Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 2, 1981.Wolfgang Gaul

"Stichprobenpläne und Marketingsprobleme" (Sampling Plans and Marketing Problems), in Henn, R./Schips, B./Staehly, P. (Eds.): Quantitative Wirtschafts- und Unternehmens­for­schung, Springer, 1980.

"Aspekte der angewandten Statistik bei der Aufstellung und Überprüfung von Jahresab­schlüs­sen" (Aspects of Applied Statistics within Financial Accoun­ting), Die steuerliche Betriebs­prüfung, 20, September 1980 (with K.J. Schmitz).Wolfgang Gaul

"A Stochastic Flow Problem", Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 1, 1980 (with H.J. Cleef).

"A Barrier Method with Arbitrary Starting Point", Mathematische Operations­forschung und Statistik, Ser. Optimization, 10, 1979 (with J. Hartung).Wolfgang Gaul

"Remarks on Stochastic Aspects on Graphs", Optimization and Operations Research, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 157, 1978.Wolfgang Gaul

"Stochastische Analyse der Projektplanung", (Stochastic Aspects of Project Scheduling), ZAMM, 58, 1978.

"Zur Zuverlässigkeit graphischer Systeme" (Reliability of Graphtheoretical Systems), Operations Research Verfahren, 33, 1978.Wolfgang Gaul

"Some Structural Properties of Project Digraphs", Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences, 3, 1978.Wolfgang Gaul

"Zur Methode der paarweisen Vergleiche und ihrer Anwendung im Marketing­bereich" (Method of Paired Comparisons and its Application to Marketing), Methods of Operations Research, 35, 1978.

"Graphenprobleme aus dynamischer Sicht" (Graph Problems from a Dynamic Point of View), Operations Research Verfahren, XXVIII, 1977.Wolfgang Gaul

"Zur Lösung von Wegproblemen mit zeitabhängigen Beschränkungen" (Solu­tion of Route Problems with Time-Dependent Restrictions), ZAMM, 57, 1977.Wolfgang Gaul

"Zeit- und Kostenoptimierung von Bottleneck-Wegen" (Time- & Cost-Optimi­zation of Bottleneck-Routes), Proc. Operations Research, 7, 1977 (with J. Hartung).Wolfgang Gaul

"Über Flussprobleme in Netzwerken" (On Flow Problems in Networks), ZAMM, 56, 1976.Wolfgang Gaul

"Probleme bei gleichzeitigen Flüssen in Graphen" (Problems for Multicommo­dity Flows in Graphs), Operations Research Verfahren, XXIII, 1976.Wolfgang Gaul

"Optimale Wege bei zeitabhängigen Nebenbedingungen" (Optimal Routes with Time-De­pend­ent Restrictions), Heft 4, 21. Internationales Wissenschaft­liches Kolloquium, Ilmenau, 1976.Wolfgang Gaul

"Einige Aspekte in der Zuordnungstheorie" (Some Aspects in Assignment Theory), Zeitschrift für Operations Research, 19, 1975 (with A. Heinecke).Wolfgang Gaul

"Kapazitätsänderungen bei Netzwerken" (Capacity-Alterations of Networks), International Series of Numerical Mathematics, 29, 1975.Wolfgang Gaul

"Zur Berechnung gleichzeitiger Flüsse verschiedener Beschaffenheit" (Com­putation of Multi-Commodity Flows), Proc. in Operations Research, 5, 1975.Wolfgang Gaul

"On Constrained Shortest-Route Problems", Optimization and Operations Research, Lecture Notes in Economics & Mathematical Systems, 117, 1975.Wolfgang Gaul

"R-Satisfying Multi-Commodity Flows and Capacity-Alterations of Networks", Mathematica Balkanica, 4, 1974.Wolfgang Gaul




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© Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Gaul